Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fewer Americans Believe in the Resurrection

A major part of my Easter Sunday message was spent focusing on some of the wealth of historical evidence for the resurrection.

Sad, but not surprising, to learn that belief in the resurrection is in sharp decline.

A new Rasmussen poll has the data: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/lifestyle/holidays/march_2013/64_believe_jesus_christ_rose_from_the_dead

Dan Joseph summarizes the findings:

A study released by the Rasmussen Reports polling firm on Good Friday found that 64% of Americans believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

While Americans who believe in the resurrection remain in the majority, that number is down significantly when compared to a Rasmussen Poll that asked the same question, released a year ago.

On April 7th, 2012 Rasmussen released a poll finding that 77% of Americans believed the resurrection of Christ to be historical fact.

The difference between the two polls shows a 13 percentage point drop in the number of Americans who believe that Christ rose from the dead, since last Easter.

Additionally, this year's poll found that 19% of Americans reject the central tenant of the Christian faith and do not believe that Christ was resurrected. That's compared to only 7% who said they didn't believe that Christ rose from the dead a year ago. A staggering 12 percentage point jump.

Article source: http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/dan-joseph/percent-americans-believing-resurrection-drops-64-77-last-easter