Friday, July 8, 2011

The Hurt Locker

Last night, when my son Ryan had some buddies and buddettes over for games, and Doreen was on Facebook or cat juggling, I watched 'The Hurt Locker.' It won six Oscars, and I can see why. 

Right now I'm wishing English had something other than, 'Wow.' I guess it does, and some of those words were pretty liberally sprinkled in this powerful movie. But I won't use any of them here. 'Wow.'

It's about three U.S. Explosive Ordinance Disposal soldiers in Iraq. It's about the adrenalin. And the fear. And the danger. And the addiction to them all. I am in awe of these guys and all who put themselves in harm's way so that I can watch it on my laptop with surround sound headphones in an airconditioned room.

Reading that last sentence sounds flippant, and I don't mean to come across that way. So many servicemen and women, and their families, have hurts that will never heal. This movie brings that reality, and our appropriate sense of both horror and gratitude, a little closer to home.