Sunday, May 13, 2012

He's Back

I knew it had been a long time. But that long? Six weeks without blogging. Guess cold turkey really does lead to a cure.

I've got a bit of a thing for the spy genre in both books and movies. So I like the phrase, "he's gone dark" since it kind of romaticizes my absence. I'm not saying I've been busy "fighting the baddies" -- ok, maybe one or two. Bottom line is, I think I wore out my phone and finger blogging in Israel. I haven't even straightened some of the photos that still lie sideways, like the stones after Titus' destruction of the temple in 70 A.D.

So many thoughts and experiences, even in six weeks. That's the beauty of a sabbatical from blogging. In this me-saturated world where people convince themselves that humanity wants a status update about them getting a root canal, it's great to be silent now and again and realize that the world didn't stop, and doesn't really care, that I haven't written anything. And I don't really care, even though I enjoy blathering on from time to time.

There are so many other important thing in life to occupy us.

Family is one. How blessed I am on this mother's day to have a wife who is so devoted to her kids (which are mine too, I believe).

Yesterday, we had our first Blaikie child graduate. We are proud that our little girl graduated magna cum laude (with high honors) in English Writing with an Art minor.

But our greatest joy is that she loves her Lord and desires to be conformed to His image.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth"  - 3 John 4.