Saturday, November 19, 2011

Food for the Hungry

The mortality rate in El Yalu is shocking. Men work incredibly hard in the fields. Women work hard at childbirth, starting at 14 or 15. The infant mortality rate has been as high as 50%. Those who make it through childhood last only into their late forties.

Malnutrition is widespread, with many subsisting on a diet of tortillas alone.
Manu Con Manu has a program that has changed this trajectory. Three times a week, when the men are in the field, around 300 mothers and children come and receive a vitamin, a protein drink (pictured) and a high-protein meal.

Some members of our team who had been here a year ago said they noticed a major difference in the healthiness of the children. Additionally, some of their beliefs had changed, such as the rumor that the gringos would steal the kids, or worse, eat them!

Here's a link for more info on Mano Con Mano: