The leading cause of death in developing countries is diarrhea. There is no sewerage system in El Yalu. You just go a little way from the house, maybe behind your favorite (or, perhaps, non-favorite) tree, and pick a number from 1-2.
Los Olivos has been erecting latrines, which also double as showers (I know that sounds weird) for $250 all up, including the pipes that take it all away. I never knew the difference a flush can make.
Seeing these opportunities to serve in Christ's name and make such a dramatic and tangible difference, and how the people have responded, is heady stuff. The year-old church has many new believers, with 40 now attending and growing. God is at work in very practical ways in this subsistence-level village where ancient Mayan beliefs have been blended with Catholicism. But there is so much still to do.
Oscar talking about the latrine program |
Seeing these opportunities to serve in Christ's name and make such a dramatic and tangible difference, and how the people have responded, is heady stuff. The year-old church has many new believers, with 40 now attending and growing. God is at work in very practical ways in this subsistence-level village where ancient Mayan beliefs have been blended with Catholicism. But there is so much still to do.