Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hell and the Bell Curve

Rob Bell's book, Love Wins, is not going away anwhere soon, though I'm guessing John Piper has already picked out a spot at the very bottom of his personal dumpster where he'll toss it the minute he's finished reading it.

Seems like the New York Times has gotten wind of the brouhaha (wow, I love that word):

The Gospel Coalition Conference in Chicago in April is going to have a bit of a chin-wag from Trinity scholar (yay, I'll be there tomorrow), Don Carson, and a few other notable clerics without dog collars, like Tim Keller. Wish I could be there.

ImageI was at the Gospel Coalition Conference two years ago with Brad Carr, my old mate from New Zealand. He and I co-pastored together and then he defected to do a church plant of all things ("they went out from us because they were never part of us" says John, but he got it wrong in Brad and Rochell's case). Sending them and 30 or so others away was one of the best things we did (does that sound bad?). So, to reverse Jesus' statement about Adam and Eve, "the one shall become two":

Oh yeah. At the G.C. Conference, Brad and I each scored a Free ESV Study Bible. It's a fantastic, literal translation with superb study notes, but it doesn't fit in my pocket. In fact, my insurance refuses to cover chiropractic that is required after I carry it anywhere. So it just sits on my desk. Under all the piles of paper.