Saturday, November 16, 2013


Our delicious last supper was followed by a time of reflection on what we'd experienced in Israel and western Jordan--both places the Holy Land.

How does one summarize ten days in locations where God did so much to alter the course of history? 

How do you put into words the emotions which accompany being right where our Savior walked and stubbed his toe and told jokes and wept over a city and poured out his life's blood?

It's not really possible. Around a table or in a blog post. It's like trying to describe the taste of a pomegranate to someone who's never had one. Or explain love to someone who's never experienced it.
But for each of us, in different ways, this was one of those deeply significant experiences that come along a few times in life, if we're lucky.

Then again, a spiritual pilgrimage isn't just luck. It's intentionally deciding to see and experience God, His Son, the Spirit and His Word with fresh eyes and an open heart in the land He chose.

I'm so grateful that the same God who met with ordinary people in this place was also willing to meet with us. To me, that's extraordinary.