Sunday, November 10, 2013

Jerusalem 1

Lots of excitement and anticipation as we head to the old city. First stop the Upper Room, most likely the real place. A brief but moving service including reading from Acts 2, singing and prayer. Amazing to think this is where the events happened.

David's tomb is next, almost certainly not the real place, but venerated by the faithful even so. When we went there a young man was reading and an old man praying  vigorously next to the sarcophagus draped in black.
Then to the Western\Wailing Wall. So much history of this retaining wall of Herod's temple from its glory days to it's destruction by the Roman General Titus to its 'capture' in 1967 which one again allowed Jews access to it.

Pictured: we look at the join of the western and southern walls and the pile of rubble from Titus' destruction in A.D. 70.

Pictured: men pray at the western wall, one in tefellin wrapped around his arms, phylacteries on his head, prayer shawl, shorts and sneakers.