Sunday, May 17, 2015

Day 3: ABC's 25th Anniversary Celebration

I was a real plonker (kiwi expression in my day -- not sure if it's still in use) and didn't take any pics. Oh well. Maybe next Sunday.

It was a great morning with folks from all over re-gathering to celebrate God's goodness and work through this church we love.

We received a current program and also a bulletin dated August 5th 1990 just a few weeks into the church's existence. Definitely a historical week for the Blaikie family.

We sang a couple of hymns that were sung at the very first service, along with some more contemporary songs. There was a slide show with many of us looking considerably younger and thinner. We were all directed to stand and folks sat as we went back through the years to that original church-planting team. Former elders and pastors were invited to stand and "stay standing if you have a birthday today." Got me good. Rather overwhelming having the whole church sing happy birthday. Then Pastor Tim Collins preached (who also served as a lay elder chairman when I was pastoring) preached a great message focused on God's faithfulness.

Considering how many church plants fail, God has been wonderfully gracious to ABC and to a later plant we did, BotanyLife Community Church, which is also thriving. Pastor Brad Carr, whom we sent out with his wife Rochelle and a great team, was there and spoke briefly at the lunch, as did I. Other pastors, elders and dear friends (the pastors and elders are dear friends too) were there and made the whole day both emotionally a bit overwhelming, but wonderful.

That evening my son Derek, who was studying frantically all day for engineering exams, joined us for a fish n chip birthday dinner. A great day.